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/ Hallmark Card Studio / Hallmark Card Studio - Disc 1.iso / Hallmark Card Studio 2005 / Fonts / LAMBHB__.TTF (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1999-11-03  |  49KB
Labels: bulletin board | earth | fence | grass | lodestone | sidewalk | sky
OCR: ahodefghijk/muopgrstuvwxyz ABCDETGHTTKL MNOPURSTUWXUZ 0123456739 ~1@#$%^5 *) +=><[}{}1 ";/? The quick brewi fex jumps 1313 - the lazy deg. The bureh brown foxjumps over the lazy dog. The quick hrown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick hrown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The hrown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick hrown fox jumps over the lazy Gop quick brown fox jumps over the lazy aheder ABCDE7GHTTKL MNOPORSTUAWXUZ 0123456789 guick OVBY hrowM Mano